How To Launch Your Online Business

How can YOU launch your online business?

Nowadays, anyone can be a business owner. Launching an online business seems pretty easy because you can adopt the CEO tag on social media and call yourself a business owner overnight without any hesitation. 

Having an extra source of income stream other than a 9-5 sounds great. What a lot of people tend to forget is that having an online business means getting ready for hard work, education, dedication and of course some sleepless nights. 

Proceed with caution as we are about to dive into a quick guide of how to launch your online business.

  1. Find your niche: The first step is that you need to determine which category your online business will belong to before taking the next step. There are four main types of online businesses: digital, service based, e-commerce/ product based and brick and mortar. There are various other online business formats but these are the most common. 

  2. Research: Healthy comparison is healthy. You need to conduct good market research and the competitive analysis for your niche to be able to understand the advantages, disadvantages and competitors within the market. This will enable you to find out what unique product/ service you can offer. Educate yourself! There are numerous online resources available for you to look up.

  3. Scale scale scale: This is of utmost importance. You need to be able to narrow down the purpose of your business and determine what problem it’s solving. This step is filled with a lot of brainstorming and a bit of stress, but you will eventually hit the nail on the head. Treat your energy how you treat your money. 

  4. Learn the business laws: This is crucial. You need to inquire about the zoning laws. trademark and shipping restrictions. Finding out this information early on will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes and frustration while focusing on the growth of your online business..

  5. Launch: You’ve made it this far! Choose the right online platform for your business. If you are not tech-savvy, hire a website developer to build a refreshing user friendly online presence for your business. Make sure that the mission of your product/ service is clear and concise on your website with the right marketing funnels to promote sales.

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